IB Holistic Education
IB Holistic Education
语言政策 (小学项目) Language Policy 中黄外国语小学

学校使命宣言 School mission statement


GIPSB is committed to creating a learning environment full of participation, respect, reflection and creativity, focusing on exploring and developing the potential, personality and specialty of students and assisting them to become lifelong learners. With this mission statement we are striving to provide a full range of holistic education to students and to fully equip them with the knowledge and skillsand with both distinctive Chinese national identity as well as international mindedness for the 21st century and beyond.


中黄教育使命 ZWIE Mission:


To cultivate through innovation and wisdom people who will achieve self-realization and benefit society.


语言理念Language Philosophy

    “语言的发展是人类本能交流需求的基础。” 通过听、说、读、写等不同的交流方式,学生能够表达自己,与他人交流,丰富自己的学习经历。 语言的发展促进了更高层次的思维能力和认知能力。 在 外小,我们坚持培养学生成为精汉通英的国际交流者。

The development of language is fundamental to the instinctive human need to communicate.(reference).  Through different modes of communication, including listening, speaking, reading and writing, students become able to express themselves, communicate with others and enrich their own learning experiences.  Development of language promotes higher-order thinking and cognitive ability.  At GIPSB, we believe in developing students to be international communicators, proficient in both Chinese and English. 



Through development of language, students develop the attributes of their learning profile.



Inquirers: students learn about and question the world around them using language as a vehicle for inquiry.



Knowledgeable: students discover knowledge by learning through language.



Thinkers: through developing language, students develop their higher-order cognitive ability.



Communicators: students can communicate through a variety of mediums using different languages.



Principled: students understand how their use of language can affect others, the importance of respecting home and family language and culture.



Open-minded: students gain insight into culture through language learning, understanding and being open to cultural differences.



Caring: student understand how overcoming language barriers through multilingualism can allow us to understand and be inclusive towards each other.



Risk-takers: students can try their best to communicate in unfamiliar languages and with new people.



Balanced:  through multilingualism, students have a broader sense of culture and the world around them.



Reflective:  students can use language as a vehicle to effectively reflect on their learning.




At GIPSB, we recognize multilingualism as a fact, a right and a resource for learning.  Multilingualism refers to linguistic ability in more than one language.  It is a means of developing a students’ international-mindedness; developing students’ ability to communicate with a diverse range of people and giving cultural insights into both own culture and that of other people’s.  Students who are multilingual have increased cognitive ability and in particular, have an improved capacity to think about and analyze language structures and patterns.


学校语言模式School Language Approach

母语Home and family language


学校会在入学时对学生的语言需求进行评估。 对于非中文母语的学生,学校会采取家校合作来确保学生的母语得以发展, 具体形式因学生而异。

This is the language that students first acquire, and use most frequently in their home setting.  We view students ‘home and family language as particularly important for students’ cognitive development, for learning concepts, communication and reinforcing cultural identity.


On entering the school, students’ language needs will be assessed and the students’ home and family language will be identified.  Where a student has  a home and family language which is not Chinese, the school will work with the parents in ensuring that home and family language continues to be developed.  The exact form of this will differ depending on the individual student; examples include CLL support ( see below), suggestions for reading books to be read at home and provision of home and family language materials in the school library.


第二语言Additional language


We recognize that learning an additional language is an important part of international mindedness.  It not only helps students’ communication skills, but gives them an insight into the thinking and perspectives of others.  At our school, English is taught as an additional language.


我校的英语课程基于 ZWIE EPC(English proficiency continuum)。 在小学阶段,学生的英语能力可达到EPC的第二至第四等级,其中第四等级相当于CEFRB1水平。  从一年级入读我校并顺利毕业的学生将能够用英语进行日常对话,表达愿望与需求,就不同的话题发表意见和想法,并具备阅读长文章和撰写短文的能力。

Our school English curriculum is based on the ZWIE EPC (English proficiency continuum).  At primary school, students work on levels 2-4 on the EPC, level 4 being the equivalent of B1 on the CEFR scale.  All students who stay at GIPSB for the full six years will graduate being able to hold an everyday conversation in English and express their wants and needs and to offer their opinions and ideas on different topics.  They will be able to read longer texts on everyday topics and write short compositions. 



We recognize that students join our school with widely differing levels of English, so a students’ language profile will be determined based on the initial language assessment when joining the school.  Assessments are informal and based on conversations with parents, as well as interactions with students on joining the school. 


一、二年级的学生以班为单位进行英语学习。在低年级,我校致力于沉浸式学习和课堂上差异化教学以适配每个孩子的学习水平。从 三年级开始,英语教学实施“星球班”制度,根据学生的英语能力将其分为不同等级的小组,让英语学习更具有针对性。 这些小组并不是固定的,如果发现学习太难或太容易,可以随时进行等级调整。

In grades 1 and 2, students are taught English in their homeroom groups.  In the early years we focus on a fully immersive English experience and differentiated teaching in the classroom to ensure all students are given an appropriate level of challenge. From grades 3 and upwards, the school implements a ‘planet class’ system where students are placed into different level groups based on their English ability.  This allows the school to target learning based on students’ needs, ensuring that all students can make progress according to their different levels of English.  The groups are fluid and students can be moved between groups should they find the learning too difficult or too easy.


在外小,有少数以英语为母语或接近母语的学生。对于这些学生,我们每周提供一次辅导计划,由外教直接教学,使用的课程以英语母语为基础,并根据各组学生的需求进行了调整。 外教将直接与这些学生的家长进行沟通,并鼓励家长积极协助孩子的语言发展。

At GIPSB, there are a small number of students who are either native or near-native speakers of English.  For these students, we offer a pull-out programme once a week where small groups of students work with a foreign teacher.  The content for these lessons is based on native-speaker English curriculum and adapted to the needs of the students in each group.  The teacher will communicate with the parents of these students directly about their learning, and ask that the parents take an active role in extending and developing their language at home.


语言教学方法Methods of language teaching


Inspired by the inquiry-based approach, teachers within our school use good teaching practices to promote language learning throughout the units of inquiry, for example, shared reading and writing, songs, rhymes, chants for learning language patterns in the language of instruction, opportunities to express themselves through role-play, puppets, stories, games, multi-media, conversation, and other practices recognized throughout the PYP Language Scope and Sequence.


对母语非中文学生的支持Chinese Language Learner (CLL) Services

对母语非中文的学生我们提供每周最少3次的额外的语言支持课程。这一课程的目的在于为学生提供额外的支持,帮助该学生尽快融入我们的主流课程。通过语言支持,学生可以尽快的掌握在本班级学习所需要的中文能力。 我们会对学生的水平进行评估,最大限度地帮助他们提升中文能力。我们会通过拼音学习、书写辅导、中文与该学生母语互译的字典,还有其他相关的中文学习资料辅导学生。我们希望学生通过一定时间的辅导,能够与同年级的同学有相等的中文交流和学习能力支持他日常的学习。语言辅导老师与班级老师会密切沟通,确保对该学生提供持续的支持和帮助。

At least three times a week, students that receive CLL services will be provided with additional language support.  The goal of this instruction is to supplement language acquisition, ensuring success within the curriculum.  As a result of this specialized instruction, students gain the Chinese language skills that are necessary to achieve their full potential.  The type of instruction is based on their level of language acquisition.  Possible modifications and accommodations include the following:  Pinyin instruction, Chinese character writing (calligraphy), front loading vocabulary,  use of word-to-word dictionaries in their native language, CLL learning resources and integration of iPad to enhance language abilities.  The goal is for students to eventually be able to work within the classroom without CLL support services as they acquire the necessary conversational and academic language.  The CLL teacher and classroom teacher will discuss individual student progress regularly to ensure consistent instruction and transference of knowledge.  


教师的角色及责任Roles and Responsibilities of Teachers


All teachers are language teachers. Teachers and staff work collaboratively in planning meetings and weekly participate in grade level meetings to further support the implementation of the units of inquiry and stand-alone subjects.



图书管理员的角色Roles of the School Librarian


The school librarian works collaboratively with all staff in planning, promoting the learner profiles, developing the concepts, skills, and knowledge of our students. The librarians attend all planning meetings, collect and purchase resources that further promote the units of inquiry and support the mother-tongues of our student population and offer lessons that coincide with the units of inquiry.


家长参与Parental Involvement


Parental involvement within the classrooms and school events is highly encouraged. Representatives from each classroom make up our school PTA. Parents take part in workshops each term held by the school and teachers to further promote communication. Most of documentation given to parents is provided in both Mandarin Chinese and English.   Parents also have a key role in continuing the development of home and family language; advice will be given by teachers on how to support this.



语言策略如何与家长/员工/董事会沟通?How will the language policy be communicated to parents/staff/board?


The language document will be approved by the entire school community. After which, it will be published in the admission handbook and new staff orientation handbooks printed in both Mandarin and English.  All key policies are also available on the school website.


如何/谁修改语言政策?How and who will revise the language policy?


The Pedagogical Leadership Team, PYP coordinator, teachers, and school community will revise and review the policy annually.


Appendix 1: GIPSB English immersion and translation policy




黄外国语小学是一所双语学校, 外小学生们应该做到英汉精通。我们认识到,学校大多数学生都来自于中国背景,因此会将英语作为第二语言来学习。 我们的目标则是通过沉浸式学习的方式让学生获得足够的学英语学习机会,这样,学生的英语交流和表达才会更加地道与灵活。 IB意识到母语在第二语言发展中的重要作用,因此教师可以在必要时用学生的母语提供支持,但这点必须谨慎地进行,应该在有利于学生英语习得的情况下使用,而不是过度使用,或将其用作死记硬背的捷径。 本文档详细介绍了应使用翻译的情况,以使教师更容易理解。

GIPSB is a bilingual school; students who come to our school should learn to be proficient in both English and Chinese.  We recognize that the majority of our students come from Chinese backgrounds, and so will be learning English as a second language.  Our aim is that students will have enough exposure to English that they can learn through immersion.  In this way, students can learn more authentic English and have the skills to communicate flexibly.  The IB recognizes the role of home and family language in second language development, so teachers may provide support in a students native language where necessary.  This must be done mindfully; translation should be used in situations where it will benefit the students acquisition of English.  It should not be used excessively, or as a short cut for rote learning, which is not authentic.   This document details the situations where translation should be used, in order to make it clearer for teachers.



一般准则General guidelines:






l  Units of inquiry: Chinese for local teacher-led classes, trans-languaging model for international teacher-led UOI classes (see below)

l  Chinese language and culture classes: all communication can be in Mandarin Chinese

l  English:  all teacher input should be in English, and students should be encouraged to speak English as much as possible (see exceptions below)

l  Arts and PSPE: where these classes are taught collaboratively with a local teacher and international teacher, classes should be taught bilingually. 



When is translation appropriate in English classes?


1.新词汇导入 Introducing new vocabulary


在可能的情况下,英语课堂应使用视觉辅助工具、肢体语言和/或语境来引入词汇。 例如,利用带有图片的闪卡,或者通过阅读活动和语境中的含义来学习新单词。 但是,对于某些复杂或抽象的词汇,教师可以用中文翻译一遍,让学生明白该词汇的意思。 理解检验类问题可用来强化学习:“这个词在中文中是什么意思?”

Where possible, vocabulary should be introduced by using visual aids, body language and/or context.  For example, flashcards with pictures can be used for new words, or new words can be discovered through reading activities and the meaning figured out from the context.  However, with certain complex or abstract vocabulary, teachers can translate into Chinese once, so students can understand the meaning of the new words.  Comprehension check questions can be used for reinforcement: What does this word mean in Chinese?


2.一年级新生 New Grade 1 students


对于刚加入学校的学生,在学生适应学校生活的同时,教师可以在英语课上使用一定量的中文翻译。 不过这种方法应逐步停止使用,教师应在两周后使用全英授课。

For students just joining the school, a certain amount of Chinese translation can be used in English classes while students are adjusting to life at school and new routines.  This should be phased out quickly and after a period of two weeks, almost all teacher input should be in English.


3.严重的行为事件 Serious behaviour incidents


如果发生严重的行为事件或安全隐患,教师可以使用中文快速有效地与学生沟通。 这种情况比较少见。

In the event of a serious behaviour incident or safety concern, Chinese may be used to communicate with students quickly and effectively.  This type of occurrence should be rare.


4.广州英语及备考课程Guangzhou English and exam preparation classes



Chinese translation may be used to discuss specific exam strategies and preparation strategies with students.  Translation may be especially appropriate with Guangzhou English tests, where questions are written in Chinese.  However, teachers are advised against dedicating excessive amounts of time to exam preparation; we should focus on making teaching and learning effective so that studentsEnglish ability is sufficient enough to not struggle with exams, rather than teaching for the test.


英语UOI课程English UOI


一般来说,除了以上详述情况,所有教师语言都应使用英语。然而,学生的概念理解水平通常高于他们的英语表达能力,因此学生也可以选择他们想用的语言来表达自己的想法。这种情况称之为“跨语言”。中文翻译还可以帮助外教理解学生的想法。教师应使用语言脚手架来帮助学生理解,因为 UOI 主题比英语课上涉及到的内容更为抽象,所以这些策略就显得更加重要。语言脚手架的例子有:关键词导入、中英文单词墙、视频、照片、句子填空。课程应有明确的学习目标,清晰指出学生在自己的能力范围内应该有什么样的英语产出。不过,对于其他输出,无论是课堂演示还是书面作业,学生可以选择他们觉得最舒服的语言。

Generally speaking, all teacher input should be in English, with the exceptions detailed above.  However, since students often have a higher level of conceptual understanding than their ability to express their ideas in English, students may choose the language they wish to express their ideas in.  This is known as translanguaging.  Chinese translation can then be used to help international teachers understand the students ideas, and build on them.  Language scaffolding should be used to aid student understanding; because UOI ideas are more abstract than those covered in English class, these strategies are even more essential.  Some examples of language scaffolding are; pre-teaching key words, Chinese-English word walls, videos, photos and fill-in-the-gap sentences.  Learning objectives for the lesson should be clear; there should be clear expectations on what the students should be expected to produce in English, and this should be within the range of their capability.  However, for the remainder of the output, whether this is a student presentation or written work, the student can choose which language they feel most comfortable with.




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