IB Holistic Education
IB Holistic Education
中黄外国语小学 评估政策 GIPSB Assessment Policy

Purpose of assessment 评估的目的

The purpose of assessment is to inform learning and teaching.  It should be flexible, varied and support students’ learning.  Assessment should give students, teachers and caregivers an understanding of their development of knowledge, skills and conceptual understanding; giving effective feedback in order for students to continue to progress.  Assessment is an integral part of learning and should occur continuously and involve students’ as agents of their own learning. When giving feedback, teachers should therefor focus on feedback(how I am doing) and feedforward(where to next).Hatti, Timperly2007


评估是学习的重要组成部分,应持续进行,学生作为自己学习的主体参与评估。给予意见/信息反馈时,教师应该注重反馈(我做得怎么样)和前馈(下一步如何做)。(Hatti, Timperly2007

Assessment should follow these key principles:

l  Assessment should inform, and be informed by, planning, teaching and learning

l  Assessment practices should be transparent and be understood by all members of the learning community

l  There should be a balance between formative and summative assessment

l  Opportunities should be taken to involve students in assessment, including self-assessment and setting of learning goals




l  评估应在教学计划、教学和学习中体现

l  评估实践应透明并且学习社区的所有成员都应理解

l  形成性评估和总结性评估之间应保持平衡

l  应利用机会让学生参与评估,包括自我评估和设定学习目标

Effective Assessment should: 有效的评估应该是:

l  Authentic: It supports making connections to the real world to promote student engagement.自然真实:支持与现实世界的联系,以促进学生参与。

l  Clear and specific: This includes desired learning goals, success criteria and the process students use to learn.


l  Varied: It uses a wider range of tools and strategies that are fit for purpose in ordder to build a well-rounded picture of student learning.


l  Developmental: It focuses on an individual student’s progress rather than their performance in relation to others.


l  Collaborative: It engages both teachers and students in the assessment development and evaluation process.

l  开展协作:在制定评估计划和开展评估的过程中,教师和学生都参与。

l  Interactive: Assessment encompasses ongoing and interactive dialogues about learning.


l  Feedback to feedforward: It provides feedback on current learning to inform what is needed to support future learningHatti, Timperly2007 and raises students’ motivation.

从反馈到前馈:就当前的学习提供信息反馈,以预告下一步的学习需要哪些支持,(Hatti, Timperly2007)以提高学生的学习积极性。

Effective Assessments allow the teacher to有效的评估允许老师:

l  Plan them and build them into learning, not add them after the fact 在学习之前确定评估内容并将其植入学习活动中

l  Identify what is worth knowing and assess it 发现值得学习及评估的内容

l  Include collaboration between the student and teacher or among students 包括老师和学生的合作或者学生之间的合作

l  Take into account different cultural contexts and different ways of learning and knowing 考虑到不同的文化背景和不同的学习方式及知识体系

l  Produce evidence that can be reported and understood by students, parents. teachers, administrators and board members 提供能被他人理解的证据

l  Plan further activities that address areas of interest for the teacher and students  根据老师和学生共同感兴趣的领域制定下一阶段活动

Effective Assessments allow the student to有效的评估允许学生:

l  Have agency in their learning具有学习能动性

l  Understand how to progress理解如何进步

l  Be involved in setting learning goals一起制定学习目标

l  Demonstrate the range of their conceptual understandings, their knowledge and skills 展示他们概念的理解范围、知识和技能,

l  Synthesize and apply their learning, not merely recall facts 综合应用所学知识,不只是回忆事实

l  Express different points of view and interpretations 表达不用的观点和理解

l  Promote reflection, self- and peer-evaluation 促进反思,自我评估及同伴之间的评估

Effective Assessment Tools/Strategies有效的评估工具/策略

Observations/Anecdotal Notes 观察/轶事记录

Observations are made of children in various settings; as an independent learner, as a group member, in a whole group setting, amongst individuals from within the same grade level/another grade level, interacting amongst the wider school community.  观察应在不用情况下进行,如:一个独立的学习者,小组中,同一年级组/其他年级组中的个体,在学校社会中。

Observations will be made of: 观察记录的组成:

l  Individual behaviours 个人行为

l  Student interaction  学生的互动

l  General class behaviours  班级常规

l  Language skills (individual, both verbal and non-verbal; partnered; group) 语言能力(个人的,包括口头的和书面的;伙伴;小组)

l  ATL and learner profile

l  Student application of what has been learnt 运用多学知识或技能

Possible ongoing assessment methods are可运用的评估方法

1.    Checklists 核对表

Checklists will be created to track children’s acquisition of knowledge, demonstration of various skills, for self and peer assessment.


2.    Formative Assessment 形成性评估

Formative assessment provides information that is used in order to plan the next stage in learning. It is interwoven with learning, and helps teachers and students to find out what the students already know are capable of. Formative assessments direct and inform teaching.  Formative assessment aims to promote learning by giving regular and frequent feedback. 


Possible types of formative assessments include:可行的形成性评估

l  Peer/self assessment 同伴/自我评估

l  Written or visual reflections 书面或者视觉的反思

l  Questioning/responses 提问/回答

l  Drafts and evidences of thought processes  思考过程的草稿和证据

l  KWL’s, journal recordings, diaries  报纸,日记

l  Observations/anecdotal notes 观察记录/轶事记录

l  Hand signals 手势信号

l  See, Think, Wonder 看,想,提问


3.    Summative Assessment 总结性评估


Summative assessment provides students and teachers an indication of their understanding and gives students opportunities to demonstrate what they have learned.  Multiple elements are assessed simultaneously, and students draw upon different knowledge and experience gained in a unit of study.  It informs and improves student learning and the teaching process; it measures understanding of the central idea, and prompts students towards action.



Summative assessment tasks should allow students to:  总结性评估允许学生:

l  Share their learning and understanding with others 与他人分享自己的学习和理解

l  Demonstrate a range of knowledge, conceptual understanding and transdisciplinary skills 展示一定范围的知识,概念理解和跨学科技能

l  Use their preferred learning style to present their understanding 利用他们喜欢的学习方式呈现他们的理解

l  Know and understand in advance the criteria for producing a quality product or performance 提前知道和理解制作一个优秀的作品或表演的条件

l  Participate in reflection, self and peer assessment 参与反思,自我评估和同伴之间的评估

l  Base their learning on their prior experiences, leading to further inquiries (is it relevant, engaging, significant and challenging) 根据先前的知识经验,通向深入的探究(是相联关的,鼓励,重要的和具有挑战的)

l  Express different points of view or interpretations 阐述不同的观点或理解

l  Analyze their learning and understand what needs to be improved 分析自己的学习,了解自己需要改进的地方

Summative assessment tasks should allow teachers to: 总结性评估允许老师:

l  Gather evidence that can be effectively reported and understood 收集可以解释学生理解的证据

l  Review and reflect upon student performance and progress 回顾和反思学生的表现及进步

l  Take into account a variety of preferred learning styles 考虑多样的先前学习类型


4.    Portfolio 成长档案

The purpose of student portfolios at GIPSB is to provide both information on the process and an indication of growth throughout the PYP. As an assessment piece, the portfolio will serve as a container of assessed material (formative and summative) selected by students and teachers alike.学生成长档案为学生在小学阶段的发展提供证据和指导。作为评估的一项,成长档案收集学生和老师共同选取的评估材料(过程性和总结性)

The following guidelines will be used to develop each student's portfolio:以下是学生成长档案指引:

l  student pieces will be divided by Transdisciplinary Theme学生的档案是以超学科主题划分的

l  work pieces will be chosen by both student and teacher学生和老师共同选择放到档案里的材料

l  through the course of one year, at least 1 summative assessment piece will be selected 在学生一年的成长档案里,最少有一份总结性评估作品

l  for each teacher selected piece, students will complete a reflection on the selection*老师选择的作品,学生会附上一份个人的反思

l   for each STUDENT selected piece, students will complete a rationale on the selection 学生自选的作品,学生会附上选择的说明

l  teacher will provide follow up comments on reflection 老师会针对该反思提供评语


5.    Report Cards 评估报告

Report Cards are completed twice per year. The report cards will encompass the term objectives and will comment on the units of inquiry completed. Teacher comments will encompass; students understanding of the central idea, demonstration of the learner profiles and attitude, skills modeled, questions raised and action taken.



6.    Parent-Teacher interview 家校沟通

The teachers will use the report card as a communication tool on Parent-Teacher Interview nights. 教师可以将评估报告作为家长约见时的交流工具。


7.    Student Led Conferences 学生主导的会议

Student Led conferences will be held at the end of the year. Teachers will place activities in their classroom corners that allow children to share their learning with their parents and time will be allocated for students to share their portfolio with the parents.  学生主导会议将在每个学年结束时举行。


8.    Three-way conference  三方会议

Three-way conference are held at the end of the semester as an option for student-led meeting. These are designed to give the parents information about the student’s progress development and needs, and about the school’s programme. Teachers should take this opportunity to gather background information, to answer the parents’ questions, to address their concerns, and to help define their role in the learning process. The parents should take the opportunity to provide the teacher with the cultural context of the student’s learning.


9.    Exhibition 学习成果展

The Exhibition will be held during the G6 year.  


10.  District/State Assessments 区域统考

As with all assessment at GIPSB, formative assessment will be on-going to inform instruction and student progress.  The chart below lists summative district measures consistent in all Public Schools in Baiyun Guangzhou area.


District/State Assessment


Measures of Student Progress District assessment for all subjects

Grades 3 – 5

Semester 1:Jan.

Semester2: End of June- Beginning of July

Grade 6 District assessment

Semester 1: Jan.

Semester 2: Mid-End of June


Ø  How and who will revise the assessment policy? 怎么修改评估政策?谁修改评估政策?

The pedagogical leadership team, PYP coordinator and teachers will revise and review the policy each year.


教师指南 Guidelines for teachers

Be ‘assessment capable practitioners’who成为“有评估能力的从业者”,他们:

l  Support students to become assessment capable – help students to set their own learning goals, understand what actions they need to take to achieve their goals and how they can reflect on and assess their own progress


l  Plan multiple opportunities for success – design different types of assessment that suit the needs of different students


l  Gives effective and timely feedback to students in a constructive way that helps them improve


l  Uses a range of different assessment tools, detailed above and otherwise


l  Uses assessment data to inform future teaching and learning



l  Collaborates with members of the learning community including students to design assessment tools


l  Is a reflective practitioner who uses assessment data to improve own practice


l  Models reflection for students to encourage them to become reflective themselves


学生指南 Guidelines for students

l  Be actively involved in setting learning objectives极参与制定学习目标

l  Be a reflective learner成为反思型学习者

l  Participate actively in self-assessment activities积极参与自我评估活动

l  Actively question and seek feedback积极提问并寻求反馈

父母指南Guidelines for parents:

l  Be familiar with the school’s assessment policy熟悉学校的评估政策

l  Seek feedback from teachers’ on summative tasks where needed在需要时寻求教师对总结性任务的反馈

l  Encourage students to complete any tasks set at home independently, or feedback to teachers any difficulties students are having completing homework鼓励学生独立完成在家布置的任何任务,或将学生在完成家庭作业时遇到的任何困难反馈给老师





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