IB Holistic Education
IB Holistic Education
GIPSB Academic Honesty Policy 中黄外国语小学 学术诚信政策


GIPSB Academic Honesty Policy

学校使命宣言 School mission statement


GIPSB is committed to creating a learning environment full of participation, respect, reflection and creativity, focusing on exploring and developing the potential, personality and specialty of students and assisting them to become lifelong learners. With this mission statement we are striving to provide a full range of holistic education to students and to fully equip them with the knowledge and skillsand with both distinctive Chinese national identity as well as international mindedness for the 21st century and beyond.


中黄教育使命 ZWIE Mission:


To cultivate through innovation and wisdom people who will achieve self-realization and benefit society.


什么是学术诚信?What is academic honesty?


“International Baccalaureate (IB) programmes encourage students to inquire and think critically and creatively; students are then asked to give shape to their thinking through oral discussion or presentations, through visual representations and displays, and in multiple forms of writing.  However, we live in an age in which we are all flooded by information and opinions and we need to help students navigate these waters so that they write about what they are learning, making visible and explicit how they have constructed their ideas and what views they have followed or rejected?  This is essentially what academic honesty is: making knowledge, understanding and thinking transparent.”


摘录:IB 教育背景下的学术诚信, 2014 ,第 1

Academic Honesty in an IB Educational Context, 2014, P. 1





本项政策目的Purpose of policy


At GIPSB, we believe in raising principled, caring individuals who understand the importance of honesty and taking responsibility for their own actions.  Members of our learning community should understand what academic honesty means, both in principle and in practice.  They should produce their own, authentic work, and when using others’ ideas or creations, respect their intellectual property by giving them credit in the form of citation.


The purpose of this policy is to establish a set of guidelines for both teachers and students, to promote understanding of what academic honesty is and how to properly acknowledge the work of others.

政策审查的时间表 Timeframe for policy review

This policy was updated in September 2021, and will be subject to review by all staff at least once a year. 该政策于202109月进行了更新,所有员工每年至少应审查一次。

支持学术诚信Supporting academic honesty


From the time they enter primary school, students are taught the meaning of being principled, fair, honest and respectful to others.  This leads to them understanding the idea of integrity and deepening their understanding throughout their primary school life.  Through collaboration, students learn to listen to and respect each others’ ideas; when presenting these ideas formally, they learn to acknowledge where the ideas came from.


In Grades 5 and 6, students understand the importance of submitting their own work and learn how to give citation when using others’ ideas.  In the Grade 6 exhibition, students will sign a declaration of academic honesty in relation to their work.

学校指南 Guidelines for school:

l  理解学术诚信政策,并参与修订过程

l  向家长和学习者社区利益相关者公开阐明学术诚信政策

l  学校及学校宣传平台促进学习者 IB 理念和学习者培养目标的理解

l  Understand the academic honesty policy and be involved in the review process

l  Communicate the academic honesty policy to parents and other stakeholders

l  Promote understanding of IB philosophy and the learner profile in all promotional literature and the school environment


教师指南 Guidelines for teachers:

l  促进学生学习者培养目标的理解

l  促进关于坚持原则、公平、诚信和尊重的对话

l  明确的合作准则,包括如何认可他人的想法

l  教学生如何在书面作品中正确参考他人的想法和作品,并承认他人的知识产权

l  树立公平原则,并通过自己的实践给予他人应有的肯定

l  Promote understanding of the learner profile for students

l  Facilitate conversations about being principled, fairness, honesty and respect

l  Give clear guidelines for collaboration including how to acknowledge the ideas of others

l  Teach students how to properly reference the work of others in written work, and otherwise acknowledge intellectual property

l  Model the principles of fairness and giving proper credit to others through their own practice


学生指南 Guidelines for students:


l  对自己的作品负责

l  独立完成个人作品和成果除非合作项目

l  辨别个人和小组作品之间的区别

l  信任小组中共同合作的组员

l  禁止抄袭或剽窃他人的作品

l  根据商定的形式适当参考信息来源(取决于学生的年龄)

l  负责任地使用ICT和图书馆资源

The learner profile and it’s related attitudes are the basis for academic honesty in students.  Students should:

l  Take responsibility for their own work

l  Work individually unless engaging in collaborative projects

l  Recognise the difference between individual and group work

l  Give credit to others working in the group

l  Not copy the work of others

l  Properly reference sources according to agreed-on format (depending on age of students)

l  Use ICT and library resources responsibly


父母指南Guidelines for parents:

l  支持学生在家中对诚信、公平和尊重的理解

l  赞许学生自己的想法

l  鼓励学生独立完成家庭作业

l  当学生在家庭作业方面需要帮助时,通过家校联系本与老师交流学生需要帮助的部分

l  理解并熟悉学校的学术诚信政策。

l  Support students’ understanding of honesty, fairness and respect at home

l  Give praise for students’ own ideas

l  Encourage students to complete homework tasks independently

l  Where students need help with homework, communicate with the students’ teacher via the Home-School Communication Journal the parts where students needed assistance

l  Understand and be familiar with the school’s academic honesty policy

学术欺诈Academic Dishonesty


Academic dishonesty is defined as passing off another’s work or ideas as one’s own, through not giving proper credit to the original author or creator of the work or idea.  The result of this is that the person who originally created the work will not get the proper recognition for their efforts.  In later life, this may cause much more serious consequences for students, including being disqualified from courses, so it is important students understand how to avoid it.  Academic dishonesty can occur inadvertently if students do not understand how to reference and give citation.


Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to:

l  剽窃:将他人的想法或作品用作自己的想法或作品

Plagiarism:  The representation of the ideas or work of another person as the student’s own.

l  串通舞弊:学生介绍据称是他自己的作品,但实际上是与他人合作完成的作品。

Collusion: The presentation by a student of something that is claimed to be his/her own work but is actually the result of collaboration with another person.

定期修订Review period


This policy will be subject to annual review by all relevant stakeholders of GIPSB, to ensure it continues to be relevant to student needs and consistent with the expectations of the IB.



[1]. Programme standards and practices, IBO, 2014.

[2]. Academic integrity, IBO, 2020.

[3]. Academic honesty in the IB educational context, IBO, 2016.

[4]. Academic honesty in the IB – position paper by Jude Caroll, IB position paper, 2012.

[5]. Academic honesty – principles to practice, Dr. Celina Garza, IB Academic honesty manager, IB

global conference 2014.




附录学术诚信个人声明  Appendix: Individual declaration of academic honesty

Individual declaration of Academic Honesty

通过签署这一声明,我确认我理解“ 剽窃”的含义和“串通”的含义。

By signing this declaration I am confirming that I understand the meaning of ‘plagiarism’ and the meaning of ‘collusion’.


Plagiarism is the presentation by a student of an assignment which has in fact been copied in whole or in part from another student’s work, or from any other source (eg. published books, periodicals, or the web) without due acknowledgement in the text. 


Collusion is the presentation by a student of an assignment that is claimed to be his or her own work, but is in fact the result in whole or in part of unauthorized collaboration with another person or persons.


I,  ____________________ declare that for this submitted work:


£  I did not cut-and paste information from others without appropriate use of quotation marks and direct reference to their work;


£  I did not re-word the ideas of others without proper and clear acknowledgement;


£  I did not write ideas or suggestions that originated from others and claim these as my own;


£  I did not include words from other students’ work without permission.



Signed签名:  _______________________              Date 日期:  _____________




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