IB Holistic Education
IB Holistic Education
中黄外国语小学 全纳政策 GIPSB Inclusion Policy


GIPSB Inclusion Policy GIPSB


1.Purpose 目的

1.1  School mission statement学校使命

At GIPSB, we are firmly convinced that,GIPSB,我们坚信所有学生


Each student is different


Each student is valuable


Each student has potential for success


Each student can make progress


Each student should be respected

1.2  What is inclusion? 什么是全纳?

Inclusion is defined as ‘an ongoing process that aims to increase access and engagement in learning for all students by identifying and removing barriers’ (learning diversity in the International Baccalaureate).  At GIPSB, we believe we should consider all our students’ unique needs when helping them reach their academic and non-academic potential.  We recognise and appreciate that our students come from a range of cultural and educational backgrounds, and that diversity makes our school a rich and interesting environment.  We respect all our students and are committed to providing a positive educational experience to all.  Our school is organised in such a way to value the diversity of our students, and respect individual learning differences.


1.3  Time frame for policy review: 政策审查时间表

This policy was updated in November 2021, and will be subject to review by all staff at least once a year.


 2.Practice: 实施

2.1  Identifying learning support requirements确认学习支持的要求

Upon admission, GIPSB communicates with parents and/or other caregivers to build up a profile of students’ needs.  Formative assessment and observation are also carried out frequently in the classroom and throughout the school day.  If a student is identified as having additional learning support requirements, an IEP (individualised education plan) will be produced for that student, outlining any barriers to learning and addressing different strategies for providing that student with the best possible environment and support to meet their learning needs.


Learning support requirements can include, but are not limited to, the following


·        Autism 自闭症

·        ADHD 多动症

·        Behaviour difficulties 行为困难

·        Chinese as an additional language 需要中文作为附加语言

·       Gifted and talented students 有才华的学生


2.2 Differentiation 差异化

At GIPSB, all students have access to learning that enables them to succeed within the ranges of their ability, developmental stage, approaches to learning and interests.  Differentiation is the process of identifying the most effective strategies for maximising students’ progress based on the different needs of each learner.  Differentiation strategies include, but are not limited to;


·        Dynamic grouping 动态分组

·        Personalised learning goals 个性化的学习目标

·        Collaborative learning activities 合作学习活动

·        Choice of tasks 任务选择

·        Open-ended learning engagements 开放式学习活动

·       Flexible assessment strategies 灵活的评估策略

Student agency is important at GIPSB, so where possible opportunities are given to students to express their choice in the classroom and be involved with setting their own learning goals.


2.3  Assessment 评估

Assessment at GIPSB is varied, and fit for purpose.  We recognise that there is no ‘one size fits all’ approaches to assessment and so a range of different assessment strategies are used in order to best reflect student ability and progress.  The majority of assessment is formative assessment which takes place in the classroom on an ongoing basis.  Where possible, summative assessments allow flexibility in terms of the format in which students can showcase their work, and should allow students an element of choice.  Assessments are also adjusted for accessibility in the case of students with learning support requirements.


3.Environment 环境

3.1  Learning spaces 学习空间

The school facilities are designed with inclusion in mind.  This includes quiet areas in each classroom, tables designed for group collaboration and separate desks for individualised tuition.  A wide range of resources are provided in both the classroom and the school library which are suitable for a variety of student needs.  There is also a medical centre and a counselling room.  School areas are safe and accessible for students. 


3.2  Teachers and other staff 教师及其他员工

All staff at GIPSB, including teachers and dormitory staff, have the relevant professional training and knowledge of the students they work with in order to implement the inclusion policy effectively, and cater to the differing needs of students.


3.3  Stakeholders 利益相关者

GIPSB’s inclusion policy involves several stakeholders in order for it to be successful in providing for different student needs.  These are:


·        Pedagogical leadership team 教学领导团队

·        Homeroom teachers 包班老师

·        Subject teachers 学科老师

·        School psychologist 学校心理老师

·        Parents and guardians 父母或监护人


4.Local policies and legal requirements 当地政策和法律要求

According to the regulations of the Guangzhou local education authority, any student of the relevant age who wishes to attend GIPSB must not be excluded from doing so, for any reason.





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